Fairy tale in Miyazaki of Japan

1 Okuragahama Story

Once upon a time there was a girl who was named Okane in Iwawaki( today's address: Kanega Beach Hiraiwa Hyuga City in Miyazaki Prefecture ) .
One day was the end of summer in some year, "It is fine today and the tide is good. So I'm going to dig clams in the shore" said she. In the early morning she went to the shore. She didn't see any people there, and white waves are quietly coming up and down in turns.
Okane at once walked into the water till her ankles were below the sea's surface and she began digging clams. Clams here are fine and big. Some of them used to be 10 cm wide. They are receiving waves and dancing everywhere here on or in the sand.
" Wow !" I found good one near my left leg's tows." " Another one, this is big."
She was gathering them without seeing anything around her for a long time. She dugs and put them her bamboo basket again and again.
A Buddhism priest was looking at her working for sometime, then he walked down to her through a path heading to the beach. He wore a black coat and a straw hat. His hands were covered with white patches. He looked like a pilgrim on the way to a destination. The priest stood near her, seeing her basket, and said to her. "Oh! Excellent clams. I have never seen such clams. Then he asked to her, "In fact lady, I could be donated a couple of them. Hearing his request, Okane suddenly changed color . And she put the basket behind her back. "These are not clams, all of them are stones." She said calmly. Hearing her reply, he put his head a little to one side, and said "Is it true.They are all stones, aren't they? They don't look like stones to me." He twittered and walked away along the beach.
 At the next beach another girl Okura also was digging clams. The priest again spoke to her here. "These are good clams, aren't they? I want a couple of clams." "Yes Sir. Priest, if you want these sorts of clams, you can take them as you wish." Said Okura. She willingly gave him the clams. The priest politely bowed to her and said “These are much appreciated gifts. If I eat them, then I would get energy again. You are the person who really has compassion. As Buddha will certainly get to know your kind mind, this beach will permanently yield the crams in the future.” The priest said with a smile. Okura's cheeks slightly reded,when she heared his saying, and she nodded her head. Then the priest walked away and his figure was gradually invisible along the shore.
Since these events happened, Okura's beach has suddenly produse a lot of clams every years until today. But inspite of sherring same shore of Iwawaki, Okane's beach mysteriously wouldn't at all. It was around this time when the people of Iwawaki respectively called both beach Okura ga hama and Okane ga hama (Beach of Okura and Beach of Okane).
Until today this area has developed crafting white goishi industry. Goisi is used when you play igo, a board game in Japan, similar to chess in the west. White goisi is crafted for clam shell of which center is cut at a 2cm circle of daoamiter.
Nowadays Hyuga City has received the status that white goisi made in Okuragahama is the most supreme in Japan.

2 Amikake Kannon(Statue of Buddha who has spiritual power that makes faithfull people get rich harvest of fishes)

  Miyazaki City is the capital of Miyazaki Prefecture in Japan.
Awakigahara Town is the part of the northeastern of Miyazaki City. There is a beach around the town. Native people call the beach as Hitotuba Hama(Hitotuba beach) where the mouse of the Oyodo River made a inlet. We can see white sand and green pines alongside the long beach. It's a very beautiful place. The inlet has another tiny long one and we can see also lines of pine-trees in further distance. This area is the place where myths legend remain. This part is sacred land and called Tathibana No(of) Odo No(of) Aokigahara,where Izanagi No(of) Mikoto(God) made lustration.
Long time ago, a young fisherman was casting a net to catch fishes into inlet of Hitotuba Hama every morning.
  In some hot day he was habitually casting his net from early morning, but didn't get any fish until sinking sun. When he decided to go home for giving up at last, a young lady who wears a costume of fisherpeason appeared from the wood of pine-trees. She was walking toward the young man along the shore. They crossed with each other, when he looked at her bamboo basket on her shoulders and he was surprised to see a lot of sea-basses which were dazzling with silver color.
  In the next day he continued to cast his net into water, but he also could catch nothing at all. He was preparing to come home, when again the yesterday's fisherwoman passed by him. He couldn't help watching her basket. Big many sea-bases were each springing up in it. His lips moved without his permission. "Where did you get these fishes?" She replied him. "Learn by heart the sutra of Kannnon(Buddhist scriptures), then throw your net into sea, while you are chanting the sutra of Kannnon ." She said to him and walked away at a quick pace.
  As soon as he returned his home, he read the sutra, and read, read, read without sleeping during whole night. Next morning he cast the net into Hitotuba Hama with chanting himself sutra. When he was pulled the net in a while, he once felt heavy weight through his hands. He saw a statue of Kannon glittering like gold in bottom of the net. He picked it up and glanced. It was a holly statue which was made to curve a camper tree and about 45.5 cm high with houlding basket for carrying fish in its hands. Because he felt holy and awesome, he would dedicate this Kannnon the Shokou Buddhist temple where was Ukinozyou eara in Aoki village. When he got into the gate of the temple, a lady who was really resemble that fisherwoman was standing with glancing at him, then she stepped up to him. " You are Mr. Yosoemon. Aren't you. I just came here from Kunisaki Peninsula in Bungo State (Ooita Prefecture nowadays) this morning. Because according of calling of Cannnon my future husband is Mr. Yosoemon who lives Naka village in Himuka(today's Sumiyosi Town in Miyazaki Prefecture) ,so I came here all the way from Kunisaki Peninsula," She said to him. When she glanced at a man who was going up to the hill and was bringing Kannon that was flashing like gold with his hands, she just recognized that he could be Yosoemon. The fisherman was willing to get married her. After this event the rich harvest of fishes continued and as soon as his wife went to sell fishes to the town, she sold out them in no time. In fact this man's name is Shimizu Yosoemon who became the richest man around Naka Village later on. This Gyoran Kannon(Kannnon of getting fishes into bamboo basket) or was called Amikake Kannnon ( Kannon of throwing net) that stored Houzyuzan Shoukou temple and until today this statue of Buddha was worship by lots of local people. The reason that the temple was named Shoukou temple was which the Kannon was shining bottom of the sea. There is some legend about building of Shoukou temple. This temple was built by Taira No Kagekiyo who was a samurai belonged to Heike Family (a group of warrior family about eigth hundred years ago in Japan.).


  1 お倉ヶ浜物語

 お金は、すぐ、くるぶしが浸かるぐらい水の中に入り、砂を掘ってはまぐりを捕りはじめました。このあたりのはまぐりは、大きくて立派でした。中には10cmもあるものさえありました。それらのはまぐりが波を受けながら、砂の上をころころ転がっていました。「わあー、左足の指のそばにいいはまぐりがある。」、「あそこには、大きいのがある。」。 彼女は、夢中になって長い間、はまぐりを捕っていました。何度も何度も砂を掘っては、はまぐりを捕り背中の竹かごに入れました。

  2 網掛観音

 宝寿山正光寺に奉安された魚籃観音は、またの名を網掛観音と呼ばれて、いまなお多くの人から信仰を集めている。寺の名を正光寺というのは、観音像が海中から光を発したので、それにちなんでつけられたといわれ、平家の武将 平の景清の創建であると伝えられている。